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Virus & Spyware

Virus & Spyware

Spyware is something which criminals use to access your computer or mobile device obtain your private information or spy on you.

Spyware is usually downloaded invisibly with a programme requested by you – for example a game – or sent to you as an email attachment. They can perform actions similar to legitimate software, making them difficult to detect.

It is frequently used to take control of webcams with the objective of the resulting video or images being used for blackmail or other inappropriate purposes. (see Blackmail).

Spyware/malware is also used to :
  • Monitor your online behaviour (including which websites you are visiting, who you are emailing, what you are typing.)
  • Access your confidential information – including bank account and social security details.
  • Distribute viruses and other malware.
  • Reformat your computer drives.
  • Delete, download or alter your files and file systems.
To Avoid spyware/malware
  • Do not download programs or apps that are not from a trusted source.
  • Download software and apps updates when prompted to do so … they often include security fixes.
  • Be careful about clicking links in emails or attachments.
  • Take great care about opening attachments in emails, even if they seem to be from people you know.
  • Cover your webcam when not in use.
If you think you have been the victim of being spied on via your webcam
  • Report the incident to report@cert.gov.lk.