Home » Safe Use of Social Media » Cyberbullying



As more people go online, so too has bullying. This can involve sharing mean and nasty content about a person on social media, in chat rooms etc.

What is probably the most humiliating form of bullying is when someone shares personal photos or other confidential information about a person. So get consent before you share a photo or video with others in it. And think about others before you post. Would it hurt someone’s feelings?

Be a good friend.

Don’t participate in bullying. If someone does send you a mean or nasty message, take a screenshot of the post, email or message.

Tell that person, you’re not ok with it. If they don’t take it down, report it. Then delete the message.

Help others stay safe online.

Have a chat with family or friends who you see are less aware of cyber security risks.

Don’t participate. If you see cyberbullying, or sharing of intimate images in a group chat, speak up. Let them know it’s not ok.