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Be careful about what you download

Be careful about what you download

We download a lot – software updates, of music, video, games, Word documents, PDFs, photos and other files. However, this also risks exposure to viruses or spyware.

When downloading :
  • Use trusted download websites to obtain programs.
  • Be very careful about downloads in email attachments. Verify with the sender to make sure his or her account has not been hacked.
  • Ensure you have effective and updated antivirus/antispyware software and firewall running.
  • Do no download and run executable files (.exe). Clicking on these will run a program of some kind. However, they are also commonly used in viruses.
  • Download music and videos only from paid sites such as iTunes, Amazon or trusted retailers’ websites. Peer-to-peer files such as Napster are not recommended.
  • If you are not sure about file or website address safety then you can check this through https://www.virustotal.com/ NB, be aware that all files what you upload to virustotal.com will be stored there. So if you have sensitive or confidential files, you should find another solution for that.

Safe Peer-to-Peer File Sharing

  • If you must use file-sharing software, make sure you choose safe software, install it safely and use it properly.
  • Install file sharing applications only when you have effective and updated antivirus/antispyware software running.
  • Download software only from manufacturers’ or authorised resellers’ websites.