Sri Lanka CERT|CC in collaboration with the Tertiary and Vocational Education Commission [TVEC], and an eminent group of industry experts representing various sectors has embarked on a national initiative in developing National Competency Standards in the Information and Cyber Security Domain to establish a unified cyber security education and training in Sri Lanka.
In Sri Lanka, NVQ standards have been developed for multitudes of domains. However, a little attention was paid to develop NVQ standards for information and cyber security domain. Currently, a formal pathway in terms of an education in cyber security is limited to students undertaking graduate and post graduate programs. Furthermore, professional training on cyber security is unaffordable for aspirants hoping to pursue the domain and such education is limited group of individuals who have attained advanced ICT qualifications. As there is a significant increase in the demand for cyber security professionals across multiple sectors, it is essential to widen the learning opportunities to create a skillful carder of cyber security professional in Sri Lanka.
To address this, Sri Lanka CERT initiated a project to develop a NVQ framework for information and cyber security domain. As the first phase of this project, TEVC shall develop NVQ Level 5 (Diploma) and NVQ Level 6 (Higher Diploma) in Information and Cyber Security Technology, which are leading onto a Degree in in Information and Cyber Security Technology.
Currently, competency standards for NVQ Level 5 and 6 are being drafted in order to expand the learning avenues in the information and cyber security domains. Students who have completed NVQ 4 in Information and Communication Technology would eligible to enroll in this program. NVQ level 5 and 6 in Information and Cyber Security Technology will be available for public from 2022.